We also are the world’s oldest distiller of organic certified 96% alcohol and aged rums. Paraguay has a long and treasured history of producing rum. Likely dating back to the times of spanish colonization and introduction of sugar cane to the country, distilled spirits have been made from the sweet fresh juices and molasses produced by the sugar mills.
Our rums are special and unique not only because they were the first to be organic and fair trade certified, but also because they are paraguayan. The incredibly fertile soils of paraguay produce the best organic sugar cane in the world. Additionally, paraguay sits atop the second largest and the purest aquifer in the world…..The guarani aquifer. By combining our organic production with the already rich soils and amazingly pure deep aquifer mineral water, we produce an organic molasses with an incredible flavor profile. From this organic molasses, we distill our alcohol and produce our organic rums.